
Hamilton, Canada

Replied on DAY 43

May 15 at 10:28 PM

Death by bands


Replied on WEEK 7 ~ DAY 2

May 15 at 10:27 PM

Great work 💪

Replied on DAY 44

May 15 at 10:27 PM

Wrist work is going to be more challenging as your wrists already get overused at work. Keep modifying where needed

Replied on DAY 44

May 15 at 10:26 PM

excellent range in weights. congrats on pushing yourself.


Replied on DAY 45

May 15 at 10:25 PM

I love the flow of this workout and the backdrop. Definitely need to film at the beach again. And yes ... soooo sweaty

Replied on DAY 45

May 15 at 10:25 PM

So many wins in this post!! Great work!!


Replied on DAY 16

Apr 28 at 02:13 PM


Replied on DAY 16

Apr 28 at 02:13 PM

Yeah, it's a hard week on the legs but the gains are 😘

Replied on DAY 18

Apr 28 at 02:12 PM

Love it!!!

Replied on WEEK 5 ~ DAY 4

Apr 28 at 02:11 PM

Look at the landmine weight range!!! #beastmode