January 22, 2023

Do you add protein to your snacks?

My guess is ... sometimes but not enough

Ideally every snack should have a protein, healthy fat and some complex carbs

My go to when I walk out the door is:

  • An apple

  • Container of trail mix or mixed nuts

The apple hits my sweet craving and the lovely crunching texture also alleviates my sweet tooth. Did you know when food producers make snacks they test for the perfect crunch sensation because our brains love the sound. It's part of the addictive nature of chips and crackers. The "crunch factor."

Nuts are packed with protein and healthy fats (omegas). If you can't have nuts look at pumpkin and sunflower seeds as an alternative.

I also batch my smoothies. When I make one, I make 2 more and leave them in the fridge. This way I can grab a smoothie and go. I know if I wait until I'm about to leave I won't do it. This little hack guarantees I walk out the door with my snacks instead of hitting a drive through.

Protein Day 4 ~ SNACKS