More and more research is coming to light about the gut/brain connection. How the bacteria in our gut can impact what we eat, what we crave, and even how we think.
Hamilton, Canada
Jul 21 at 02:38 PM
Commented on Checking in!
Jul 21 at 02:38 PM
Replied on LEVEL UP 6
Jul 04 at 09:27 PM
Jul 04 at 09:26 PM
This month the Dive Deep videos are available to everyone. I hope you take the time to explore the library and see what the longer group workouts are like. Maybe join a coaching call and connect with other TriFIT members.
I truly believe Dive Deep is what helps us maintain, sustain and evolve the habit we started when we HIIT Play.
Join us and see for yourself,
Jun 30 at 10:27 PM
Find out what the 28 Day Challenge is for July, who won the Hello Summer Challenge, nutrition tips, mindset tips and MY BIRTHDAY special!!!!
Jun 27 at 05:00 AM
After 1 year of thoughtful reading and questioning in Get TriFIT's Dive Deep Program, this diagram, to me sums up our relationship with ourselves and our struggles simultaneously.
The input into this closed loop system can either negatively or positively impact us from our thoughts, our moods, our hormone balance, our physical health and more.
Every thought we have is a chemical reaction. I read this in "Biohack Your Brain" and I cannot let go of the idea. Every thought we have is not miraculous or unique, it is simply a chemical reaction of millions of chemical reactions in our body.
These reactions are shaped by the food we eat, the things we drink and how we move our body. It is all tightly, intricately woven and it's why everyone struggles at some point. It's why there is no one cookie cutter solution.
Instead, I believe the key is an awakening to our thoughts that helps us choose wisely. In turn, it leads to results that make us more resilient; which fortify us against our own worst chemical reactions (thoughts).
It is why we all are Imperfectly Perfect.
It is also why we need a big toolbox with a vast range of tools. Why we must be willing to change out old tools for new ones and must always open our toolbox with grace and acceptance.
Even masters know they need good tools.
Jun 26 at 12:00 AM
I talked a bit about how our gut can grow/maintain healthy or bad gut bacteria, and what we eat nurtures or starves the bacteria.
Highly processed sugary foods feed the bad bacteria in our gut. The result is our body produces less serotonin because the bad bacteria pushes out the healthy bacteria that does produce serotonin.
The bad bacteria also enhances our cravings for sugar - they feed off of sugar! Part of the reason for eliminating processed foods completely for 30 days is to help reset the bacteria in our gut. That's the beautiful part, the flora or gut bacteria in our stomachs changes all the time based on what we eat and drink.
In other words you can ReSET your health over and over again!! Just like your fitness practice, you can continue to improve bit by bit. I named this nutrition program ReSET for this very reason. This, like HIITing play, is an imperfectly perfect lifestyle. Are you going to eat "imperfect meals?" YES!!! But do you have the skills and self knowledge to realize one meal doesn't destroy your hard work. Life is about living. Just like missing a workout doesn't undo all your progress.
The key is learning habits you can sustain and when you find you've drifted away from your goals or ideals you can simply ReSET back to where you want to be.
Each of these emails can be printed and added to your workbook to further enhance your recipe selection and knowledge.
Understanding the why behind food choices makes it easier to choose well and easier to give oneself grace when we deviate. If you want to live a long, healthy vibrant life it is absolutely important to nourish and move your body daily. My hope and ambition is for you to see food as a tool to optimize your health, your alertness, your cognitive function and your energy. Most importantly your mental health is directly related to what you eat and how you move.
Just like our planet, our body's systems are intricately related and every single one is fuelled and maintained by what we eat and how we move. When we do both well .... MAGIC!
~ Amy, your coach and trainer
Ps. Eat your whole grains
Jun 24 at 06:00 AM
Raspberry Kombucha Smoothie
For the Raspberry Layer
1 cup frozen raspberry (thawed)
1 tablespoon chia seeds
For the Kombucha Layer
1/2 cup kombucha
1-1/2 cups oat milk
1 tablespoon rolled oats
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 banana (peeled, chopped)
2 scoops of Arbonne vanilla protein powder
Add the raspberries into a medium bowl and mash with a fork.
Sprinkle in the chia seeds, then mix to incorporate.
Set aside for 10 minutes to allow the chia seeds to absorb the liquid and turn the mixture into jelly.
Meanwhile, prepare the kombucha smoothie by adding the ingredients into a blender and processing to get a smooth, creamy liquid.
Divide the raspberry chia jelly into two serving glasses. Then pour the kombucha smoothie evenly over the top.
Mix and serve.
Replied on LEVEL UP 6
Jun 23 at 04:33 PM
Jun 23 at 03:52 PM
The human gut is an amazing piece of work. It is the only organ to boast its own independent nervous system, an intricate network of 100 million neurons embedded in the gut wall.
The 100 trillion microbes that make up the GI tract are critical to health. Gut bacteria regulates digestion and metabolism. Gut Bacteria extract and make vitamins and other nutrients from food that you eat. They program the body's immune system.
Tweaking the balance between beneficial and disease-causing bacteria in the gut can alter brain chemistry.
The brain can also change the gut microbiome, changing behaviour. Studies shown that psychological stress suppresses beneficial bacteria, which causes increased feelings of anxiousness.
The relationship between our physical and mental health is intricately tied to how we move our body and what we eat - DAILY. When we learn how to maximize both we can significantly improve how we feel!!
We MUST stop thinking about nutrition and fitness as a function of weight loss and start thinking about it as a critical piece of our mental and physical health. We are what we eat and we are what we do!!
How can we positively change our gut bacteria? I'm going share tips with you over the next few days.