
Hamilton, Canada


Jun 09 at 06:00 AM

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Seeds are undervalued but yet have the biggest nutritional value for their size!

2 tbsp of hemp seeds is 10g of protein!! That's incredible!!

Try this Seedy Cracker recipe. It's vegan, gluten, dairy, soya, everything free


Jun 08 at 06:00 AM

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This week we are looking at all the ways we can add protein to our meals. Here are two great breakfast options. Both packed with omega-3's and protein.

BUT the second also includes fibre to create a more full feeling. Has complex carbs to give an energy boost to your morning too.

To get the kids on board here are my tips:

  • create a breakfast bar of toppings (seeds, nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit, cinnamon to sprinkle, shredded dark chocolate, shredded coconut, honey)

  • let them help shop for the toppings - it helps build the excitement

  • praise them for their choices when they finish piling their bowls, don't worry if they don't eat it all. Focus on what they did well and praise

  • switch out toppings so it doesn't get stale

Before you know it you boxed sugar cereals are out and breakfast sunday's are in!

Ps. if you cook the oats in coconut milk you add MCT to the mix, add a sweetness and lovely texture to the oatmeal


Jun 07 at 06:20 AM

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I subbed in chocolate protein powder and added 2 heaping tbsp of dark baking chocolate. So good!

My Go To Protein Powder

Don't forget to submit your trackers to


Jun 05 at 05:30 AM

Ok, you knew at some point the Shakespeare geek in me was going to say it.

In all seriousness, prepping can be stressful and overwhelming. Never mind time consuming. It use to stress me out too!

Then I changed up how I prep. I prep throughout the weekend using lunch and dinner on both Saturday and Sunday to build up meals, snacks, and breakfasts on the go for the week. Then mid week do one more large batch meal to finish the week.

Check out the ReSET videos on breakfast, lunch and dinner to see what those meals look like to inspire your food prep.


  • Large batch meals like soups, stews, curries

  • Make breakfast cookies or bars while dinner is cooking

  • Slice veggies for the week while cutting up veg for dinner


Jun 04 at 06:30 AM

Caffeine, Eddie Vedder calls it the gateway drug. It is addicting and ...

  • increase anxiety

  • elevates your heart rate

  • disrupts your sleep

  • stimulates your central nervous system

  • blocks the body's ability to absorb magnesium (which is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body)

Tip: try switching out coffee with an herbal tea like mint tea, ginseng tea or hot water & lemon


Jun 03 at 05:30 AM

My kids fell in love with this recipe when I did my very first summer challenge back in 2014. To this day they ask for it every summer. It's the perfect refreshing, light meal on a hot day.

Watermelon Gazpacho! Best of all it takes no time to make and if you make a large batch, it simply tastes better the next day.

Fun fact ~ watermelon improves insulin sensitivity and reduces muscle soreness



Jun 02 at 05:30 AM

Have you watched the grocery shop video in ReSET?

I go over grocery shopping tips, how to edit your shelves and more.

When you write your grocery list work from the 3X sheet in your workbook. When you build your base around these foods, it's easy to stack your plate each and every meal.

Tip: look for the hidden sugars in food. It takes a few extra minutes to read the labels but worth the extra time. See all the names for sugar in your workbook. Labels are sneaky!


Jun 01 at 03:09 PM

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Day 1 ... I'm ready! I know it's overwhelming ... take a deep breath in and out. You've got this! We've got this! I'm right here anytime you need help.

Today I want you to really look at the tracker and think on which of these lifestyle/nutrition habits do I want to maintain after this challenge is over. Circle it. Star it. This is your focus.

No matter how your day or week is going this is the habit you focus on and everything else is beautiful icing on top.

When we focus on the small details, on the baby steps we make the overwhelming doable. And this is doable.

Happy Day 1

~ Amy, your coach, trainer and fellow challenger



Jun 01 at 03:02 PM

We are so excited to Get Social! Where we connect in an authentic, kind way to inspire and lift one another up! Feel free to share your stories, journey, questions, success and more by hitting “+ Post” in the top right corner.

Replied on LEVEL UP 4

May 09 at 11:57 AM

Amazing progress