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September 17, 2023

Introducing our revolutionary fitness program: Ignite! 

Designed to maximize metabolic function, this program is a game-changer for anyone looking to achieve their fitness goals and optimize their overall health. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. It affects how efficiently you burn calories, regulate hormones, and even how well you sleep. 

Our program is expertly crafted to boost your metabolic function through a combination of targeted exercises, nutrition guidance, and lifestyle modifications. At the heart of Ignite x are dynamic workouts that get your heart pumping and your muscles working. These workouts are specifically designed to activate your metabolism by focusing on both cardiovascular and strength training - you’ll build lean muscle mass and increase your overall resting metabolic rate.

With your HIIT Play membership you receive 2 new Ignite workouts every week! PLUS, a tracker to help you to ignite all 4 components of your metabolism and of course, access to the extensive TriFIT video library (over 600 workouts waiting for you to HIIT Play).

But it doesn't stop there. 

If you subscribe to the "ALL ACCESS" membership you also receive:

  • guidance on how to fuel your body to increase your metabolism in monthly coaching calls

  • learn the science behind exercise and nutrition in monthly coaching calls

  • mindset coaching in monthly coaching calls

  • BONUS Ignite workout EVERY WEEK

  • 2 LIVE group workouts Monday and Wednesday 6am EST

All to ensure you are making the right choices to optimize your metabolic function. 

Whether you're looking to lose weight, increase your energy levels, or simply improve your overall well-being, Ignite has got you covered. Unlock the full potential of your metabolic function. 

You have 1 week to complete the workouts and then at the end of the week they DISAPPEAR! Only to be replaced with new workouts for a new week every Monday Morning.


August 14, 2023

I know ... what are macros? They are the large building blocks of what make up a plate (carbohydrates, protein, and fat). Most of the focus on nutrition and weigh loss is on the ratio of macros and total calorie consumption but the true magic of nutrition is how it heals our bodies and helps fortify our bodies. I talk in great detail in the TriFIT nutrition program, ReSET, about the power of food and how shifting our focus to what food does for us can help us make the necessary changes to our diet to build a healthy body. A body that is resilient to stress and chronic disease.

I was reminded about the power of food when I came across this article: The Science Behind An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

To learn how to make changes to your diet that serve your body today and tomorrow you can access the full ReSET program for just $20. You purchase and own the program for life, being able to download the workbook and videos coaching you through my philosophy and how I incorporate it into my family's daily meals.

~ Amy, your coach and trainer

July 05, 2023

I turn 46 today. My birthday is always a time I like to reflect on what I've achieved, what I need to work on and where I want to go.

Over the past year this word "longevity" has become a force in my life. I live a relatively healthy life. I exercise almost daily, eat well with some indulgences and get adequate but not quality sleep. Compared to most I live a healthy life but am I living a long life?

From day one of creating Get TriFIT I shared my view on exercise and nutrition; namely, that we should see movement and nutrition as a daily supplement we take to achieve optimum health. That movement is nature's anti-depressant and nutrition is medicine for the body

And I whole heartedly believe these things but it isn't enough - not enough if we want to live a long life of QUALITY.

The key words are long life and quality. Does anyone want to live a long life with poor health or worse as an empty vessel? I think deep down that is our biggest fear and we do EVERYTHING we can to put our head in the sand and ignore it.

Ignorance may be bliss short term but long term it is a silent killer. We must stop chasing a number on the scale or a dress size or some magical number of weight loss. We must stop seeing exercise and nutrition as these monoliths in our lives by always focusing on what we haven't done or worse ... the latest fad.

We DO need to start seeing exercise, nutrition and SLEEP for what they are .. the building blocks of our physical and mental health both currently and in the future. Most importantly exercise, sleep and nutrition are absolutely key to longevity. Living a long life of quality. AND THEY ARE EASILY ACCESSIBLE AND RELATIVELY LOW COST.

I will not promise you weight loss. Yep, read that one again. I DO NOT promise weight loss. I will provide you with tools, strategies, coaching, support and programs for longevity

This requires honesty of what you are doing, what you want to do and what you are willing to do. It requires taking control and saying I AM THE CAPTAIN OF MY SHIP

Health starts and ends with you. And I am all in to help you live a long life.

Ready to start?

Whether you are a current member, past member or hopeful a soon-to-be new member, it is never too late to start but you need to start. Starting means taking small daily actions that compound over time to build a healthy, long life on your terms not dictated by chronic disease. It starts with something as simple as 10 minutes of movement and shifting one aspect of your nutrition.

ALL OF THIS IS DO ABLE. I am here to help. I am always available through messaging, email and coaching calls. You are not in this alone but you do have to reach out and ASK.

Reach out here or through the comments on the website. I am one click away to helping you build a life of longevity.

You just need to say ..... YES

March 27, 2023

Level Up Day 13 2nd time around. Leveled Up the weights. 15/20/25/30 for each round. Every video I cannot believe how much stronger I am. LIFT Max delivers!!!! I am pushing weight I never thought I would push in HIIT workouts. Excited to see the gains continue to grow.


DAY 13

Level Up Cardio is about getting into zone 4 and sustaining it...
March 02, 2023
• Edited (Apr 25, 2023)

I designed Level Up to be an intermediate to advance program for those TriFIT members who not only wanted to push themselves but could HIIT RePlay over and over again on Level Up and still experience gains.

How you get more is by challenging your weight and depth of movement. After finishing filming LIFT Max I knew I had gained significant muscle. Specifically bulk muscle.

Cycling is a term you hear in the fitness industry and it refers to the cycles of training you go through.

  • First you "bulk" or build muscle

  • Second you lean the muscle

  • Third you had power or explosive movement

Level Up combines the second and third phase beautifully over a 6 month period. By combining LIFT Max you have a 9 month cycle of training that cycle after cycle will continue to challenge and strengthen you.

When I filmed Day 10 I used a 15lb kettle bell for the entire workout. Today I used a 20lb kettle bell for 2 rounds, 25lb kettle bell for 2 rounds and a 30lb kettle for the last round. I can truly say this is a new PB for me and I am excited to achieve many more PB's HIITing RePlay on Level Up.

I know it's tempting to jump around and do the videos you enjoy but I invite and strongly encourage you to do a complete program from beginning to end. These programs are written to bring the best out of you and your body while building strength and BALANCE.

For People new to exercise I recommend:

HIIT10 beginner options -- Back 2 Basics -- HIIT10 advanced options -- HIIT20 --LIFT20

Looking to incorporate weights:

LIFT20 -- HIIT20 -- LIFT Max -- Level Up

Looking to maintain:

LIFT Max -- A Modified Level Up (2-3 days of Level Up, Next day cardio of your choice, Rest Day, Repeat until finished the Program)

Most importantly .... TRACK your progress. record how much you weight you lift, how confident you feel in the movements, if you complete the workout, your heart rate. All are measures of your progress.

Don't forget to share your wins with me! Post to the community board and celebrate. Plus, you just might inspire someone.

~ Amy, you coach and trainer ... and fellow TriFIT member

Still going strong but failing on posting. I did day 2 (arms) today. 

That crosses of the whole first week and 2 days from week 2

February 01, 2023

This challenge is designed to help you find little moments in your day to work on goals. 

The goal ... complete 40 push ups in a row by the end of the 30 days.

Did you know one key indicator of cardiac health is the ability to do 40 push ups in a row?

So this heart month we are working on our hearts ... one push up at a time.

Screen shot the tracker or download it from here:

Comment below if you are joining the challenge. Feel free to tag me if you post on social media. This challenge is open to everyone. Challenge your partner, your kids, your family and friends. You can share the link for the tracker. 

Let's get everyone heart healthy this month.

~ Amy, your coach and trainer

November 14, 2022

This is one of the quickest weekday meals ever! I usually have it all on hand already.

Basically it’s a spring roll in a bowl.

Sauté ground meat, I used chicken for this one. When it’s cooked add a bag of pre mixed cabbage, some garlic powder, ground ginger, light Low sodium soya sauce (you don’t need much), and cook until cabbage softens. Top with Saracha, green onions and sesame seeds!! ENJOY!

November 22, 2022
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Using the ReSET guidelines check out these quick and easy lunch ideas

December 31, 2022

Yes I did!! This is the challenge everyone needs to kick start 2023 and all you need is 10 minutes. I call this Challenge HIIT10.

My BFF is joining me on camera as the two of us sweat it out with you during the 10 minute body weight workout. Audrey, my BFF, is doing full modified and beginner movements while I'm doing the advanced movements. Just like so many people, she’s starting back up after a long break.

These 10 minute modified workouts meet her where she is but give her the gratification of doing something positive and energizing. After our most recent workout she turned to me and said:

“I love how do able this is and how accomplished I feel when I’m done. Best of all it’s only 10 minutes. Why didn’t you do this sooner!?!?”

Nothing like a friend to cut to the chase. Why am I introducing this now? Because we all need a quick pick me up. This challenge doesn’t require any equipment or a large space. You just need your beautiful self and 10 minutes. There are no complicated movements. You experience an endorphin rush and energy that carries you through your day - every single workout.

HIIT10 is available starting January 2nd